Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another great week

Exciting week in the Kumquat world. Tobango was bought, Kilimanjaro spokespeople were ruled guilty on Saturday for saying obscenities at the Stonik company and Stonik  Kumquats have been spread throughout northern Florida.
But the question really is are Tobangos worth the monumental price tag? Some people think the price will drop for Tobangos now that George Muterstein has stepped in as owner. Most people have not tried a Tobango, but the ones who have seem to enjoy them. They are underrated in taste and nutrition. The company has been in financial debt for a while. We talked to Solomon H.A. Arkanstonias about the quality versus price of Tobangos.
"All in all it is not worth the price to buy a Tobango for every day occasion, but when you have a special party Tobangos are the way to go." Arkanstonias also said that due to the current recession  Tobangos are waning in popularity. But the question is, will Tobangos finally rise? 
The other thing that occurred this week is that some Kilimanjaro spokespeople were heavily fined for yelling obscenity about the Stonik company to the media. The Kilimanjaro company formally apologized to Stonik and company officials for Kilimanjaro called their spokespeoples' actions " Pathetic." 

Next post- Companies are now producing Orange kuats and Lime kuats. We go in depth in a new question. How do these fruits rate next to regular Kumquats?



  1. I would really enjoy seeing a bio of this new guy, George Muterstein. I would also like to see an interview with Mr. Muterstein I know that it is very hard to secure an interview, but due to kskumquats influence in the kumquat world, I would hope you would be able to get one.

  2. Lillie,
    No to the interview. Even our influence is not that great.

  3. I splurge on five juicy Tobangos once or twice a week. I've had to work a little overtime to pay for it, and I've had to cut back on a few necessities, but they add so much sunshine to life, that it is definitely worth it. I need more than my daily Ferkington to satisfy my kumquat quotient.

  4. I know this says Suzanne, but im Elena. It is so interesting 2 learn about the kumquat world. I cant wait 4 the next post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now im craving kumquats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
