Friday, November 27, 2009

Heart Attacks and Hybrids

In general news we were stunned to hear that Ferdinand Franzmuten Ferkington, the great- grand nephew of Sir Fredrick F.  Ferkington and late owner of Ferkington Kumquats L.L.C., suffered a fatal heart attack Thursday, November 19th. A Florida hospital told us that Ferkington's artery conditions were bad enough before the failure. Unnamed sources tell us that the family is in personal and financial turmoil.
New startup companies are producing, orangequats, limequats, and other kumquat hybrids.  We talked to Marküs Smedlicker about these new hybrids.  
"The orangequats are like kumquats but sweeter.  My personal favorites are kumsimmons, which are a cross between persimmons and kumquats,"Smedlicker said.  "I occasionally add some limequat juice to stir fries." 

Next Post: Inside Bio of George Muterstein.

1 comment:

  1. I am extremely saddened by the news of Ferdinand Ferkington's passing.
    He influenced my life greatly. He and I travelled the world tasting all the different kumquats. Ferkington's favorite was always the Ferkington but the Stonik was my favorite. May Ferkington rest in peace.

    Solomon H.A. Arkanstonius
